" And although the journey is a spiritual one, it is not a transcendental movement upward the light and an ecstatic union with all of creation. It is a journey downward into dark msteries of the individual soul." - Bill Plotkin
Embodied Integration Support Attending a plant spirit medicine ceremony help us to go into our unconscious patterns, beliefs, defence mechanisms, traumas, survival ancestral energetic constructs, thought forms, etc and allows us to bring them into conscious awareness, while rewiring our neural pathways . It can be a very profound and empowering experience and, some say, one night of a ceremony equals 10 years of regular therapy.
Sometimes we receive an incredible amount of information, teachings and healing in one or two ceremonies. The plant spirit consciousness (in a proper ceremonial container with a proper guidance) is a benevolent teacher that helps us to become a more conscious, aware, kind, compassionate and loving version of ourselves that ripples out into all our relations.
Very often, after such an experience, as we faced with our own truths that we weren't able to percieve before, we embark on a powerful deconstruction period of releasing the layers upon layers, that are being challenged and re-assessed, like energic structures and alignments/patterns/beliefs/ways of life/career/relationships/purpose that can leaves us in a very vulnerable, open and highly sensitive and emphatic space where relating to the world as we knew it becomes quite difficult.
The thruth is that life is the ceremony and what we have learned in an amplified state during our plant journey always gives us an insight on how we are coping, handling, reacting to similar stimuli in our daily life. They say, the ceremony is only 15% of our work and the integration of all the teachings we received is the remaining 85%.
So what is integration and how do we integrate and embody these teachings?
During integration phase it can be helpful to revisit, work through, make sense of the multi-level content of our journey, anchoring it into our body and energy field, and then implementing insights into lasting changes in our life. There are models we might look at for integration that would involve a holistic way to look at wellness through integration on Body, Mind, Spirit, Community and Personal Relationships, and Natural Environment levels and could include Reflection and Introspection, Deep Inner Listening and Creative Expression, Psychospiritual Practices, Meaning Making, Spaciousness and Time, Nature and Grounding, Physical Expression through movement and care, Self-Care, Cultivating Virtues and Turning Outward. Oksana's extensive practice and experience in this field, as well as her training, offers a deep insight, wisdom and guidance in the process of integration to lovingly support your process with care and compassion to help you reemerge as an empowered version of yourself with more clarity and deeper understanding of your life journey.